I went to meet Arisawa Ichika for the first time!! (fan report) [7/15 & 7/22/2023]

With the release of Juice=Juice's 17th single "Pride Bright / FUNKY FLUSHIN'", I bought my first ever tickets to an in-person Kobetsu!

pictured: "the world's cutest pose", "the world's happiest pose", and "let's make a heart!"

My first ever in-person Kobetsu event!

    Back in May, when it was first announced that Juice=Juice would release their 17th single "Pride Bright / FUNKY FLUSHIN'", I think I went through about three different states of shock. First, it was within the time period that I was going to Japan which was already extremely lucky. But what really got to me the most was that it was going to be my first ever in-person Kobetsu (meet and greet, etc. ) event. My first ever idol cheki, first ever writing my poses onto paper, first ever going to meet idols. All other times I've been to Japan, the most I've ever done was concerts or the Hello! Project store. This was also all before COVID, and before the introduction of online talking events, so I never had the opportunity or the courage to talk to my favorite idols. 
    But with this amazing opportunity lined up for me, I just had to take it. And even with all of that, my first ever event was going to be to meet Arisawa Ichika! My beloved Arisawa Ichika!!! If anyone was going to celebrate my wota firsts with me, I'm glad that it was her. 

Quickly, why Arisawa Ichika?!

    When I first started falling for Arisawa Ichika, it was around the time of her addition to the Hello! Project Kenshuusei. Her first performance in December had finished and I happened to come across a tweet she posted after. She's honestly so endearing I dropped everything to watch all the content of her out. In just two episodes of Hello! Dream I was pretty convinced. But then..     She speaks English?! This was a whole new level of shock. Many fans were drawn to her because of her English language ability, I can't deny that I was the same, but thanks to this I was able to learn so much more about her. I spent this time supporting her until it was announced that she would join Juice=Juice. Trust me when I say that this was like winning the Superbowl to me. My beloved Ichika in my beloved Juice=Juice?! A dream come true!
    Through my time spent reading blogs, watching videos, and talking to her through online talk events, I love so many things about Ichika! She's effortlessly funny, but also endlessly hardworking. What I really love about her as that she's so musically talented. Not just in her violin (which is awesome by the way) but in how much she feels the song. You can really see how much she's intertwined herself with music in how she sings and dances, and you can feel how much she respects the art. She's also quite strange and a bit awkward-- but I think that makes her charming! Ichika is also just a really fun person to talk to, and she's so considerate too. And she's a former (concurrent?) Hello! Project wota! She was serious about it too! So there's this feeling of comradery when I talk to her, but also comfort. If I stumble and just end up saying "I love you you're the best you're amazing" over and over again, I think she understands... 
    She's an amazing person in every way. So I was so happy to be able to share this amazing moment with her. I didn't get to tell her that I was coming to Japan over an online talk event (it sold out before I could buy it) but, I was so happy that I didn't really mind!


Cheki #1,  2023/7/15

Ichika: WOAH! (jumps) Chloe?! Amazing! 😳👏👏
Me: hi.....! 🥺
Ichika: 😁
Staff: "Make a heart!"
Ichika: Yeah!! 
Me: (every muscle in my being shaking like crazy)
Ichika: Thank you~!!! 👋
Me: (crying) 👋
Staff: here it is
Me: (shaking) thankyousomuchbye
Her: 😆

    This is my first, first ever cheki with an idol... It's like one of my most precious treasures.. When she first saw me,  she almost jumped out of her seat and I was so close to bawling on the spot. I sat down and as was able to get a really good up-close look at her and I think I died for a bit and popped into heaven for a minute. She is really. So cute. I'll never forget how she smiled at me. For some reason, I didn't think that she'd recognize me at first, but she did! The heart looks a little... Incomplete... That one's on me, I was shaking so much I couldn't get still. Gosh, I love her..........................

Cheki #2,  2023/7/22

Ichika: Hello!!!
Me: (dying) hi...!
(staring at the staff but I can feel Ichika's gaze on me) (too nervous to look at her)
Staff: "The world's happiest pose" please
Ichika: Happiest pose.. Hmm... 🤔
Ichika: Huh..🙄
Me: Huh...? (copying her) 🙄
Staff: Pssst... (kinda laughing) Arisawa-san..
Ichika: 😀?
Staff: Your hands...
Ichika: Oh! Right 😁🙌
Me: Oh, huh, ok 😁🙌
Ichika: Thanks~!
Me: 😊
Ichika: Cute!

    This was a really, just amazingly "Ichika" interaction. Of course she was so cute I almost exploded. Her thinking face is really so cute. What was really funny is when she just kind of sat there and stared...? I was so confused in that moment, like, it was so confusing am I even remembering this right? But the look on the staff's face was unforgettable. I felt so grateful to be able to witness this "Ichika" moment, in the flesh. Looking back at what she did, she's so dynamic. I love her smile so much!!! Did I already mention her thinking face!!! She's so cute!!! I didn't think that a person could be so shiny!!!!

Cheki #3,  2023/7/22 

Ichika: Hey Chloe!
Me: hey......!
Ichika: hehe 😊
Staff: "The world's cutest pose"
Ichika: Hmmm... 🤔
Me: (all I can do is stare at her) So cute..............
Ichika: How about this? 😁
Ichika: hehehe
Staff: (takes photo)
Me: 😭 Thank you
Her: Thank you Chloe! 😁👋

    This is one of the peaks of my life. Hearing her say my name already feels like some kind of a blessing... Did I also mention the thinking face, god, I was just watching (I hope I didn't look scary or anything) and thought "gosh what did I do to deserve such a wonderful thing." And then when she hit me with the pose, I had no idea she was going to do that so I was caught by surprise and couldn't really react at first. I was just in shock. She leaned close to the barrier and I think the proximity is what killed me. If cuteness was a weapon she would be banned in all 50 States in the U.S. At that point I was past the crying stage. Ichika is just so kind in every interaction, and sooooo good at talking to fans. It was this moment that I really felt how amazing she is.
Talk #1,  2023/7/22

Ichika: HELLO!!!!!!! 😁👋
Me: HEY!!!! How are you!
Ichika: I'm gooood~ How are you! 😊
Me: Great!!! You're the best!!!!
Ichika: Thank you!!!!! hehehehe 😆
Me: You're SOOOO cute!!!
Ichika: Thanks!!! Your English is REALLY good! 😤👍👍
Me: Thanks!!! You too Ichika!!
Ichika: See ya~~!!!! 😊

    As soon as I walk in I'm welcomed with "HELLO!!!!!!" and her waving and it was honestly a happiness overload. First, her own clothing, she was wearing something akin to a brown blazer and shorts as a matching set. And second but most importantly, her. We talked in English, too! If anyone is curious about her English ability, I'd say that she's pretty much fluent (you just need some confidence, Ichika!). I really just enjoyed the positive vibe that emits off of her... It's like it's impossible to be sad around her. The joy on her face, too, and we were both so excited that we might've been a bit loud. She even complimented my English! A few weeks ago during a Limista event, I mentioned around that time that it's not my first language (but since I've been living in the U.S. since I was born, I'm fluent). She's really so considerate..
Talk #2,  2023/7/22

Me: Hey again!!! This is my last for today..
Ichika: LAST?! 😨 Wait wait wait, wait! I knew you were coming to see me today, so I had something I wanted to tell you, but I forgot! Oh geez...🤔
Ichika: What was it... I wonder...😙
Me: Oh!! Really..!!!
Ichika: Hmmmm!!! 😖
Staff: It's time to go...
Ichika: WAIT I'm THINKING! 😆 Hmmmm how was your language exchange Chloe! 😊
Me: Oh that!!! (surprised) Yeah that was super fun!
Ichika: Great!! Thank you see you! 😁
Me: See you tomorrow!!

    This was my last one for the day, as well as for the trip! I should've bought more... But at that time I didn't know how much I should do, and I also didn't know if they would deliver properly to the address I entered, so I didn't buy very many tickets. But she made it really worth it! Here, I'm pretty sure she was stalling for time, I think I've seen her do this for other wota, but to be on the receiving end is really great. She's so funny too! And I don't know why I get so surprised every time when she mentions things I've talked about in blog comments before. Like, she reads them, she really does. This was chaotic in the best way possible, she was so serious about the thinking, and I was kinda laughing because it was such a funny situation. When the staff started pushing me out, she mentioned the language exchange I went to the night before. It was actually at this small cafe in Osaka! Ichika looked like she was having a lot of fun, my heart was full of joy, so I call this a massive success. 
    To be able to meet and talk to Ichika like this, gosh, I don't think I've had a better week in my life. I hold her so close to my heart as someone I'll support as both an idol and as a person. These days, I've just been thinking so much how I wish I did more, but I'm directing that energy into supporting her even harder. After meeting her, I realized, it's Arisawa Ichika for life.
    If there's the chance to go and see her, or even do the WithLIVE online talk event with her, by all means, please please do! I want everyone to bathe in these positive vibes!! Until the next time I see her (as of the time I'm writing this, in a few weeks) I'll keep up the support as always. Arisawa Ichika!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!! (shouting into the abyss)

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